John Truman Hawkins

Petition of Dorothy Hawkins to be appointed guardian to her son, John Truman Hawkins. (Reno* {Fenwick* - Orphans Court Proc}, 1798.10).

See Notes of Henry Sothoron (b 1772) for additional entries regarding guardianship.

Henry Sothoron & Dorothy Barber his wife of Charles Co. deed to John Truman Hawkins for $11,000, Indian Creek with Addition, 757 ¾ acres. (Land Rec Abstracts TH#29{StM#3}:198, St. Mary’s Co., 1820.06.20, Recorded 1820.11.21)

Henry Sothoron & John T Hawkins vs Henderson S Boteler, John S Washington, & others. Bill is to obtain a foreclosure of a mortgage of part of a tract in St. Mary’s Co, cld Trent Hall, cnvyd by Geo F Hawkins & Nathl Washington to Henry Sothoron, for money due by said Washington, as adm of Mgt T Debutts, dec’d, to John T Hawkins, a rep of said Debutts, at that time a minor. John T Hawkins, in whom legal title in said land was vested, died, leaving the above defendants his legal heirs & reps; one of whom, John S Washington, is not a resident of this state. - Ramsay Waters, Reg C C. (Dixon*, 1821-1823.:451, 1823.09, Reported 1823.11.22)

Henry Sothoron & John T. Hawkins of Charles Co. vs. Henderson L. Boteler & wife, Olivia, William, Amelia, Daniel, Patsy, Nathaniel & John S. Washington. Hawkins is a representative of Margaret Truman Debutts late of St. Mary’s Co. and entitled to ¼ of estate. Nathaniel Washington of St. Mary’s Co. married Margaret Debutts, another representative; he was named administrator of her estate. George Frazier Hawkins of Prince George's Co dec'd and Nathaniel Washington had executed a mortgage for Trent Hall, 184 acres, to Henry Sothoron, guardian of John T. Hawkins, to secure payment of monies due by Washington as administrator of Debutts estate to John T. Hawkins. Suit is for foreclosure, which was granted.

- Dr. William Sothoron appointed guardian of the Washington infants on 21 March 1825 to answer the charge - his answer received the same date

- Property sold at auction 26 Oct 1829, bought by John T. Hawkins at $6.00 per acre. (Chancery Record 138:607, 1823.11.19)

Witnessed the 1823 will of Mary Bond, widow of Henry Greenfield Sothoron; and to the 1825 will of her son Zachariah Sothoron (see respective Notes).

Henry G.S. Key of St. Mary's Co |      | John T. P., Zachariah P., James F.,

Barnard Hooe of Alexandria, Va   | vs | Henry, Susanna R. Sothoron

- Notes agreement between John Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. & Henry Sothoron late of Charles Co. (see below). Henry Sothoron took possession of land & made some payments. On about 7 October 1826 John Sothoron published his will, passing lands to Henry in fee simple, appointing him along with complainant as executors. John died about 1 November 1826. His executors gave bond, Henry making several payments on the account, leaving a debt balance by 15 March 1826 of $6,009.36. Henry Sothoron made his will 18 January 1832, appointing his son-in-law John Truman Hawkins & his only child William H. Sothoron as executors. The estate of Henry Sothoron including his equitable sale of noted land descended to his only child & heir at law William Henry Sothoron, late of Charles Co. dec'd. William made further payments, reducing the balance by 9 August 1833 to $3,991.02. Will of William H. Sothoron published 30 November 1836, demising his whole estate to be divided equally between his 2 children, Henry Sothoron & Susanna Rebecca Sothoron; if both deceased, then to cousin John Henry Sothoron & friend Samuel P. Webster. William H. Sothoron died 28 February 1837. John Sothoron left 4 children: John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James Philip & Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron; Mary died in infancy, others still infants. John made provision for his widow in lieu of her dower and thirds. The children of William H. are infants. Balance of payment still due, with interest from 9 August 1833. Prays for appointment of guardian for infants, payment of monies due, sale of property if necessary to make payment.

- Agreement dated 27 June 1826. John Sothoron sells to Henry Sothoron lands next to lands now lived on by Henry, near Benedict, derived from brother Zachariah who had lived there, for $10,000. Henry is to secure to John and heirs, and of James F. Sothoron of and as to certain debts or bonds due from the estate of Horatio C. McElderry & George Forbes to the estate of their late uncle Samuel Bond. Balance payable in 6 years with interest from 1 Jan next. Henry is out of interest money to pay the widow of Zachariah Sothoron, their late brother, $200 as devised by Zachariah, in lieu of her dower; if she claims dower, Henry is to retain so much of the principal as would yield interest equivalent to the right of dower. Bears signatures of John & Henry Sothoron.

- Will of John Sothoron, 7 Oct 1826, 28 Nov 1826

- Will of Henry Sothoron, 18 Jan 1832, 13 Nov 1832

- Will of William H. Sothoron of Charles Co., 30 Nov 1836, 24 Feb 1837.

- Appointment of William T. Maddox as guardian to infants John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James P. Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Appointment of George Combs as guardian to infants Henry, Susanna Rebecca Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Interrogatories of John H. Briscoe dated 4 Feb 1839. Notes that Zachariah Sothoron died in 1825 or 1826, his wife 3 years ago.

- Final decree of Chancery Court, 11 February 1840. John Scott of Baltimore City trustee in sale of property to satisfy debt. (Chancery Papers 9156, St. Mary’s Co., Filed 1838.06.26)

The signatures of James F. Sothoron & Henry Sothoron appear on a bond this date. Papers relate to Chancery Court case of Henry Sothoron & John T. Hawkins vs. Boteler et al [138 Chancery 607: 19 November 1823]. (Chancery Papers 11009, St. Mary's Co., 1827.11.17)

Henry Sothoron wills to his stepson John Truman Hawkins some servants. Hawkins named joint executor with his son (not named). Witness: William H. Sothoron, Eleanor S. Smith, Susanna C.K. Sothoron.

- In probate, William H. Sothoron identified as executor with John Truman Hawkins. (Wills WDM#15:481, Charles Co., 1832.01.18, Proved 1832.11.13)

Bonding of William H. Sothoron as executor of the estate of Henry Sothoron, with John Truman Hawkins & Peter W. Crain as sureties, for $20,000. (Admin Accts {MSA WK-247-248-2}:391, Charles Co., Recorded 1832.11.13)

Will of John Truman Hawkins. In Codicil dated 5 April 1835, $500 due him from William Henry Sothoron is devised to wife Zora Hodges Hawkins. (Reno(4)* :166 {EJM#1:307}, St. Mary’s Co., 1835.04.05, Proved 1835.06.09; widow renounced benefits on 5 May 1835)

Will of John Truman Hawkins.  Hall of Records, St. Mary's County Wills 1826-1840. Micro WK 281-282, ff 307-309.. George Thomas, Sole Executor. Written: 5 April 1835; probate. June 9, 1835. Witnesses: Joseph F. Shaw, Jas Millimore, George G. Ashcom I, John Trueman Hawkins of St. Mary's County--- -- wife, Zora, - negro man Jefferson and his family, negro man Ned, negro woman Nelly and her child, negro man Junis; all my household and kitchen furniture, my gig and two horses--- ` -- residue of personal property to William Henry Thomas--- Codicil 5 April 1835: Wife $500, sum due me from William Henry Sotheron and negro man Robert. Renunciation May 5, 1835: "--and elect to take in lieu thereof my dower or legal share---signed. Zora Hodges Hawkins Witnesses: Margaret Hodges.  (Mason*)

Debts due to the estate of John T. Hawkins of St. Mary’s Co. dec'd. From Henry Sothoron on note bearing interest from 25 Dec 1828. From William H. Sothoron on note bearing interest from 16 Nov 1831. From Lora Hodges wife of John T. H. Sothoron on note bearing interest from 20 Dec 1831. (Orphans Court EIM#3{MSA CR-35708}:477, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1835.07.14)

repose the remains
son of
Dr. John Truman & Dorothy Barber Hawkins
who closed his career of usefulness
on the 5th day of April 1835 at Trent Hall
his residence on the Patuxent
in the 38th year of his age
His faults are few
His virtues many.

Grave Marker, Sothoron Family Cemetery, The Plains, St. Mary’s Co.

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.